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Ministries - Education

Education wing of church

Christian Education is a vital ministry at St. Paul’s UCC. We are serious about our calling to study and explore the word of God.

Participate in or help our education ministry


Be a teacher, assistant or substitute to teach young learners about the Bible. These roles are open to any church member with an interest in Christian education. This dynamic team meets the third Sunday of the month at 11:30 a.m. This ministry includes Sunday school, Bible study and Vacation Bible School.

Sunday School - 9 to 10 a.m.


For children:


All children are welcome; parents don’t need to be members of St. Paul’s. Students from ages 3 through senior high learn about the Bible. Students are grouped by age, and their lessons are age appropriate. Grade 7 includes lessons geared toward first-year confirmation.

The Word of God comes alive for our active learners thanks to the dedication and creativity of our teachers. Two adults work with each age group and are required to have up-to-date clearances and Mandated Reporter training.

If you’re considering teaching a Sunday school class, give it a try! You may use the lesson materials as provided or adapt them to your teaching style. You’ll find the experience enriching. Contact Sarah S. at​



Bible Study


Saturdays at noon - Lunch and Lectionary 

Bring your lunch and a Bible, and we will read and discuss the scriptures for the next day’s worship service most Saturdays in the lounge. Vicky Garl will be leading this informative weekly session. ​


Have a church education-related question? Reach the Chair of Educational Ministries through the church office or email

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