ONA - Open and Affirming
The Open and Affirming Covenant of St. Paul’s U.C.C.
Fleetwood, Pennsylvania
October 1, 2017
Grounded in God’s commandment to love our neighbors and the desire of Jesus “that they may all be one,” St. Paul’s United Church of Christ Fleetwood publicly affirms the commitment we have long strived to put into practice: to welcome and nurture everyone who comes through our doors as beloved children of God without exception.
Echoing the good news that God’s house has room to spare as well as the call for believers to be one body with many members, we seek to journey together as people of different races, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, faith backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, political orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, sexual orientations, marital statuses, family structures, ages, physical / mental abilities and health statuses, personal histories, and many other characteristics.
Each person is a vital part of our community with a set of unique gifts and perspectives, and we invite all to fully share in the worship, rites, sacraments, and ministry of this church.
We recognize that there are differences among us, but believe that we can love alike even though we may not think alike. Regardless of our beliefs or experiences, we seek to treat all people with love.
As a forgiven people, we acknowledge that we are all still growing together and do not claim to be perfect or to have “figured it all out.” With God’s help, we covenant to learn together as a community grounded in hospitality, compassion, justice, liberation, forgiveness, and Christian love.