Worship - Visitors and New Members
St. Paul's U.C.C. is a Protestant Christian church with one of the largest congregations in the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference. Our roots date back to the mid-1800s as a union church for German Reformed and Lutheran congregations in the rural town of Fleetwood, Pa. We plan to keep serving our community for decades to come! Please join us!
You Are Welcome
St. Paul's is an Open and Affirming (ONA) Congregation of the United Church of Christ. No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
Ways to Get Involved
Explore this website to find numerous ways to get involved in the life of St. Paul’s. You’re invited to follow and comment on our social media sites, too. We have numerous committees to match your time and talents.
Download Info
Download worship bulletins and announcements and the monthly Tower Tymes newsletter.
Welcome Card
You'll find a welcome card in the pew rack. Please fill it out and place it in the offering plate.
Please worship with us again. If you would like to become a member of St. Paul's, please note it on the welcome card or contact the church office.