Ministries - Worship
The Worship Ministry at St. Paul's UCC works closely with the pastor to plan and implement meaningful worship experiences throughout the church year.
The Blessing of Gathering
As you enter our sanctuary, use the pre-service time to prepare your heart and mind through quiet time and prayer.
We welcome your online prayer requests. If you are attending worship in person, find a prayer request card in the pew rack to fill out and hand to an usher before the service, who will see that the pastor receives it.
Email the Worship committee
Ways to Participate
Worship leader/lay reader
Volunteers read the worship service and Bible passages pertaining to that week's service.
Acolytes perform specific functions, primarily lighting and extinguishing altar candles. The youth serving as acolytes are members of our First and Second Year Confirmation classes.
Tech Team
Volunteers become proficient in handling the audio, video and streaming needs of worship services in the sanctuary.
Decorating Committee
This team decorates the sanctuary seasonally and for Advent and Lent.
Sacristy Committee
This committee prepares the elements for Holy Communion, which we celebrate on the first Sunday of every month and on other special dates during the church year. They also change the paraments throughout the church calendar. Paraments are the colored cloths that adorn the pulpit, lectern, altar, and Lord’s table.
Music Ministry
Check out the opportunities to help St. Paul's make a joyous noise on the Music Ministry page.